About Us

The past decade has transformed Armenian wine. The industry is now a combination of ancient tradition and new, fast-growing enterprises with a flourishing restaurant scene to match. Past achievements notwithstanding, we are at the Origins of our wine heritage. It is our duty now to become storytellers of our history, food, and terroir.
Origins Magazine was founded in 2018 by Aimee and Vahe Keushguerian to collect and share the storytelling of Armenia’s food and drink culture—one that is integral to rebuilding the country’s identity to a global audience.
This digital version aims to set Armenian wine and culture apart to celebrate the country’s unique heritage. We hope to lay context to the underlying intersection of Armenia’s history and culture to help wine enthusiasts truly understand Armenia’s wine culture beyond the narrative. We believe that with knowledge comes appreciation, and we’re excited to help guide you on this journey. Welcome to Origins Magazine.